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Dr. Prathiba Natesan Batley


Dr. Prathiba Natesan Batley is professor of Research Methods, Measurement, and Statistics in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Louisville. Her areas of expertise include simulation-based approaches, working with very large and very small datasets, Bayesian methodology, psychometrics, other latent variable models, multilevel models, and effect sizes. Her paper, Natesan and Hedges (2017) was published in the flagship journal of APA, Psychological Methods which is also the top journal for research methods in psychology. In this paper she proposed a new approach to determining causality using Bayesian unknown change-point models for single case designs. Such an approach meets all the requirements for the highest level of evidence of causality for single case designs according to the What Works Clearinghouse. Her follow-up papers in this regard, Natesan, Minka, and Hedges (In Press) and Natesan, Shukla Mehta, and Hitchcock (In Press) address the extensions of this model to other design types and data challenges to meet the evidence criteria for highest level of evidence of causality in single case designs. 


Dr. Natesan Batley has co-authored over 50 publications in top research journals such as Psychological Methods, Journal of Experimental Education, Applied Psychological Measurement, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Behavioral Research Methods, Psychological Assessment, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Behavioral Disorders, and Journal of Anxiety Disorders. She is a recipient of two outstanding research paper awards. She is/was evaluator of three federally-funded projects. In the first one funded by the National Science Foundation, she evaluated whether the (WReSTT) tools developed by the PIs impact how well the students learned a particular set of software programs. In the second grant funded by the National Science Foundation, she is currently investigating the impact of the curriculum developed by the PIs and co-PIs (Project IRES) on student perceptions of ecodiversity when working in subantarctic Chile. The third project funded by the US Department of Education examines whether Project STArT, a teacher preparation program for teachers of special education children (mild/moderate behavioral disorders, Autism spectrum disorders etc) has an impact on how well the teachers are able to manage their special needs children at work.


Dr. Natesan Batley has been a reviewer on the Institute of Education Sciences grant panels, serves as associate editor of two international journals: Frontiers in Psychology and International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, is past President of the Southwest Educational Research Association, past chair of the Educational Statisticians Special Interest Group at the American Educational Research Association, and was Director of the Office of Research Consulting. She has served on the AERA Division D Newsletter committee and minorities committee as a committee member. She has served as reviewer of various journals such as Psychometrika, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Statistics in Medicine, Cancer Research and Causes, Journal of Experimental Education, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Psychological Methods, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, etc.


Dr. Natesan Batley has been invited around the globe to speak on topics ranging from the anatomy of a dissertation, statistics in medicine, Bayesian methods, single case designs, and psychometrics. Some institutions that have invited her include the University of Oxford (UK), American University of Beirut (Lebanon), Texas Southern University (US), and Bristol University (UK). She also founded the advances in research designs symposium (TARDIS) which hosted international acclaimed researchers such as Jeff Gill, Bruce Thompson, Todd Little, Anthony Onwuegbuzie, David Rindskopf, and Rob Horner.


Dr. Natesan's talk on Single Case Designs​ at the NIRE series funded by the European Union at the University of Oxford, UK


Dr. Natesan Batley's Short Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Natesan Batley's Google scholar profile: 


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